my feelings are valid

By now I know most of us have heard about the love languages. Some of us more times than we care to mention, but I want to bring them up once more to clarify where my mind and heart have been as of late. My top love languages are physical touch and quality time these two are in constant battle over the top slot, but here lately physical touch has been winning out. I’ve gotten to spend quite a bit of time with a friend of mine lately and whenever I’m with her I want to touch her and have her touch me. Now I know that sounds odd but I don’t mean it in any weird way. I simply mean I want to lay my head on her or cuddle up with her or rub her back anything that allows me to be in physical contact with her. I think it’s time to pull back again. Not in a way that’s gonna be hurtful to her, but I need to or it’s gonna become hurtful to me. While my desire to just be around her and touch her have just been my way or expressing and receiving love it’s starting to be distorted in my mind because Satan knows this is a weak area of mine and he likes to exploit that. So this past week I tried to keep my distance I didn’t go see her as much as I usually do. I actually didn’t go see her at all until Thursday and I started to miss her, so Thursday I brought her a Sonic drink. Since Thursday I’ve kind of gotten back into going to see her and Friday I just completely stopped trying to avoid her. So this year this friend is no longer around as much as she used to be so it’s easier to be around her because it’s not as frequent and I’m thankful for that because there’s less chance of our friendship being distorted into something it’s not

Departure phobia

Phobias have been coming up a lot for me lately. I have a couple of my own. Claustrophobia (fear of closed off spaces) Coulrophobia (fear of clowns). We are all have things that absolutely terrify us, but lately mine has not been something so easily labeled as is the case with these two examples. I say as of lately but this fear isn’t something new, but I’m just having to deal with it a lot lately and that is the fear of people leaving me once they find out all my dirt. People who love you will of course tell you they would never leave and I’m sure most of them even mean it, but when you have experienced that very thing happen it’s really hard to believe those people when they say it. It requires an immensely high amount of trust that I am scared to allow myself to have.

Why don’t you see me?

People are so quick to say that they aren’t racist, but what is your basis for making that claim? Is it because you have friends who are of a different race than you? Or is it because you have never uttered a racist slur, or the more popular reason these days you just don’t see color? Now I am the type of person who believes you should be willing to hear all points and opinions, and I try my best to do this. So I understand that most of the time when people say they don’t see color they aren’t meaning to be malicious, but I want to explain to you as a person of color what that says to me. I heard Francia Rasía talk about this very topic and she explained it beautifully. She basically said when you are in a romantic relationship and you are trying to really get to know that person you’re involved with you tell them your story, all the things that have hurt you and the reason behind your scars. So for you to say you don’t see color says that you don’t care about my story and what I’ve been through. I thought that was such an astounding way to explain it. Within that same conversation the point needs to be made that if you need to erase my color in order to see me as human that’s a problem, and that is truly hurtful. Amber Riley said, “when you are speaking with someone who has a different experience from you, you are the reader and they are the author.” That statement had such a profound impact on me because if people aren’t heard, then they don’t feel seen. So my question is, why don’t you see me?

It’s not a racism issue, it’s a dehumanization issue


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I had an incredibly real conversation with my best friend yesterday. It’s important to note that she is white, and I of course am black. She woke me up yesterday morning with a rather lengthy text, and it read,

Hey, I just wanted to tell you I love and appreciate you and our friendship. I know this seems random, but I just finished reading an article about George Floyd, and I feel disgusted at how messed up the United States still is regarding racism. It makes me angry and sad and scared, and I just want you to know that I’m here if you ever want to talk about any of it. I’m sorry I’ve never offered that before or let you know outright that I’m outraged with you. I know I’ll never fully understand, but I do understand that you’re one of my very best friends, a sister to me, and I want you to know (in case I’ve never said it before) that I see our differences, I celebrate them, and I LOVE that we’re friends.

I teared up as I read it because I know that everything she wrote came straight from her heart, and she meant every word. At first I was unsure of what to say in response to her because on one hand this was my opportunity to explain to her all that I have been feeling lately, but on the other hand I was afraid she wouldn’t understand what I was saying and I would end up hurting her. I ended up telling her just that. These were my words to her.

I love you too, and I have never doubted your love and dedication to our friendship. I think you have more than proven it over the years of our friendship. Do I keep things and conversations to myself regarding the subject of race sometimes? Absolutely! Not because I don’t think you stand with me, but because a lot of the time I don’t know how I’m feeling about it, and I don’t want to hurt you in trying to express my feelings about it. Sometimes I feel like there is no right way for me when it comes to this. On one hand I have the black community yelling in my ear that I can’t trust white people as a whole because in the core they all think the same, but I know better. I have experienced better! So then I feel inauthentic because I have never personally experienced hate due to racism so I feel shut out by my own community sometimes.

Thinking back on this conversation today even as I write this post there is something that I said to her that I am questioning. I said that I had the black community yelling in my ear that I couldn’t trust any white people because they all think the same at their core, and I said that I knew better. Is that really true? Do not get me wrong I do not mean to imply that I lied to my friend because I certainly did not. However, I do believe that through no fault of their own white people have this subconscious tendency to dehumanize black people. There was a study done at Yale University with preschool teachers. These teachers were told that they would be monitoring children for bad behavior. There were 4 children involved in this study, a black girl, a white girl, a white boy, and a black boy. The catch of the study was that there was no bad behavior, but instinctively the teachers set their focus on the little black boy as the one who was misbehaving. The experimenters told the teachers this because they needed to fully disclose the nature of the study in order to be able to publish it, and the teachers were in disbelief of what had happened. So you see it is deeply rooted into the culture of western civilization. White people innately look for the bad in black people. This need to dehumanize is true of racism in any form. For example, the Nazis justified the killing of millions of jews by classifying them as rats. You see? People can readily kill a rat more so than they could a human being.

This past week I have constantly been trying to figure out what I am feeling about everything that is happening in America right now. Obviously I am feeling anger and heartbreak, but I am also feeling the need to educate. I have seen so many posts about the George Floyd situation, but the one that I have seen the most is Black Lives Matter. This statement or movement within itself is not what stood out to me. What stood out to me the most were the comments of other people who are responding to these posts. Those responses read something like “well all lives matter”. Now I understand what is meant by that statement, but I am not sure that the people who are saying it do. Black Lives Matter does not mean that other lives do not matter. It is a call to action to wake up and understand that an entire race of people is considered less than human and has been throughout history.

You see in the minds of a lot of people, black people are still viewed as something other than human. I know a lot of white Americans would argue with me and say “I don’t think that way”, but yes you do. You may not knowingly think it, but you do. The reason I know that is because of all of the comments that are like “well let’s wait and hear all of the facts” What facts do you need to see? Think of it like this: This girl has been enslaved to sex trafficking for the majority of her life, and she finally gets the opportunity to get out and she has been out for let’s say 20 years and now she is ready to tell her story. In trying to help her transition away from that life, would you say to her “let’s go see what the man or men holding you captive have to say about that?” Honestly think about that, would you? Would you tell her to just move on because it happened so long ago? If you answered yes, then I have nothing more to say to you because we just are not going to be able to agree. If you answered no, then why on earth would you ask that of a group of people who are experiencing their own trauma? Let’s talk about the word trauma for a second.

Trauma is defined as “a deeply distressing or disturbing experience” and I want to add onto that definition and say that it changes how you view the world and the people you encounter within it. Going back to the woman who was freed from sex trafficking, if the people who were helping her were all men and she was uneasy around them, do you think they should be offended? Do you think they would understand the amount of trauma she has suffered throughout her life and respond to her accordingly? It is the same thing when it comes to this idea of racism in the United States. Until black people are wholly seen as human beings, then no real change can happen. If no change occurs, then no healing will happen and this perpetuating cycle will continue.


Dear younger me!

Hey you, at the time you are writing this you are 26 years old, single, and honestly are just beginning your life. You went to facebook to ask your trusted/loved older friends for their advice, and this is what they gave you. Remember to always hold it dear.

Jessica Rainey:

Your feelings matter..DO NOT sacrifice them & when someone shows you who they are BELIEVE them the first time (Auntie Maya Angelou)

Keneisha Jefferson

Do what makes YOU happy!! YOU are enough!

Mary Lajeunesse

It’s ok to change jobs.
Get out of debt.
Start your health and fitness journey NOW if you haven’t already.
And, the things you do every day to spend time with the Lord, trust Him, and give Him room in your life will add up to the relationship you have with God. Invest the time. Your sacrifice will always be blessed by Him.

Annie Sanders/Cora Gray

Never make someone a priority who only makes you an option!

Stand up for yourself, but also be willing to listen to those with more experience than you.

Don’t assume you’re the smartest person in the room, on any subject.

If he cheats, he WILL do it again. Don’t walk way, RUN.

Call/go see/hug your parents often. Literally no one cares about you and your happiness as much as they do!

Cling to Jesus! He will see you through everything!

Erica Hart

You can care about people, love them, and want the best for them, but others will always try to sabotage your efforts because of jealousy and spite…don’t worry about them, they are non-factors. Continue to love and help other to be their best, because when you do that, it brings out the best in you too.

Michelle Smith

Don’t use a credit card.

Tabitha Tyson

NEVER let someone make you feel guilty for making a decision that is better for you and/or your family.

If he will cheat WITH you he most definitely cheat ON you.

Make sure you get your equity in your name. It will always benefit you in the long run.
Contribute to retirement now, and get life insurance.

Kolby Harper

Get all the financial information that you can. Read all those financial books from whoever. Save your money and always try to tithe.

Catherine Andrews

It’s ok to be spontaneous. If you wake up one morning and want to drive to Niagara falls, then do it. (Post-pandemic of course)

Find a restful hobby or place to regularly spend time.

Financial peace by Dave Ramsey – it’s worth the money spent now to learn the skills to have financial freedom later. Just do it!

Regina Stevens (Probably my favorite advice)

Don’t give the people you’re closest to the leftovers of your energy and effort just because they’ll love you anyway. The fact that they will love you at your worst only means they deserve you at your best. (This also applies to God. I spent way too many years getting that one backwards.)

The older you get, the less you care about what other people think of you. (Hands down the best part of aging.)

For goodness sake, take care of your skin. HAHAHA wrinkles are harder to lose than weight.

Valerie Bruce

It is completely okay to walk away from someone who only brings you down. Even if they have always been in your life or are family. You can pray for them, but it’s not worth the damage they can do to your mental health.

Just because the plans you had for yourself aren’t happening the way you want doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong. The life you have planned and the life God has planned don’t often look the same. Ask for his guidance every morning!

You don’t need the newest of everything. Technology changes daily so trying to keep up with the Jones’ is impossible and exhausting.

Make sure that you check in on your friends on a regular basis. The older I get the more I learn how quickly depression can grasp happiest of people, and you never see it.

Rebekah Beene

Make it your first goal to seek God and do what He says. Everything else will fall into place. I know it’s an old story but it’s still truth.

Chelsi Bates

Let go of unrealistic expectations.

Read the psalms and read them often.

Worship, read scripture and pray even when you don’t feel like it. Seek Him earnestly when it’s hard.

Sometimes resting IS worship & living out faith.

I was doing so well!

I was doing so well. This is something I say to myself whenever I mess up. I was doing so well, so what happened to make me fall? How did I let this one event get so much into my head that I negate all the progress I have made? It would almost be easier to give up and just let whatever is going to happen happen. Then I think well that’s stupid why would you allow the hard work you have put in to go to waste? Then I think well isn’t all that hardworking lost at this point anyway? I want so desperately to say no because after all, I know that’s the appropriate answer. What good does appropriateness do me if my heart and mind are in turmoil?

Get out of your head!


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woman in black long sleeve shirt and blue denim overalls

In an earlier blogpost from about a year ago I used an image of the quote “Don’t believe everything you think” A year later this is still a constant fight for me. I am a person who loves people and I love interacting with people and just being around people for the most part. So this pandemic has been hard for me as it has been for countless others. I have been told that I have a tendency to overthink or read too much into situations, and once my mind goes there it is hard for me to reel it back in. The fact that I have all of this time to just sit with my thoughts has not been the most beneficial thing for me.

For example, when I meet someone new I get in my head about the whole encounter. Let’s say I make a new friend especially someone I really like I have a tendency to overcompensate because I really want them to like me, and at times it can be a bit much or at least that is how I perceive it in my mind. I feel like they think that I am weird or crazy (which I mean they may not be wrong about this part lol but not in that way). Due to my own insecurities about how I think they see me I draw back and end up sabotaging what could have been a potentially good friendship. I have projected my own personal fears onto this other person regardless of whether or not that’s how they actually felt or not. I assume the worst and don’t really give people a chance and that is essentially why my circle of friends is so small.

I assume people don’t want to be my friend and because of that I make it incredibly hard for new people to become my friend. One of my favorite artists has a song called L.R.F. subtitled (Rollercoasters), and in this song he talks about the two types of rollercoaster riders. On the one hand you have the quiet rider who just sits there quietly and holds everything in as the ride is happening. On the other hand you have the screamer who throws up their hands and lets out a scream. He said the rider who was sitting there quietly trying to be calm and cool felt the dips and turns of the rollercoaster way more than the person who threw up their hands and let it all go. The quiet rider is having the same experience as the screamer, and they are feeling everything that the screamer is feeling. In fact, the quiet rider is intensely gripping the bar in front of them desperately trying to keep their composure.

I feel like that quiet rider so much of the time, but I am afraid to scream. I am afraid my scream will invade someone else’s calm and I don’t want to be invasive. My mind can sometimes become a dark space for me to hide in, and that can cause me to slip into some dangerous ways mentally. So I walk through this disaster of a place that is my mind thinking it’s time to move on from this new friend because I feel that I have weirded them out. It all seems like too much and I just want to hide away, but at the same time I don’t want to run from the bullets coming my way because I want to prove that I’m resilient, but what if I’m not?

Blank Page

To a writer a blank page,

A signal of defeat.

To a couple with a war to wage,

The argument on repeat.

To a child who dreams of love,

The answer to a barren mother’s prayer.

To a swimmer who can’t see the shore above,

The relief experienced when his lungs receive air.

To some a blank page is more.

To some it’s a second chance.

To some it’s something to adore.

To some it’s a reason to dance.

To Christ it was a cross.

To Christ it was a chance for me to dream.

To Christ for it to be anything other would be a loss,

To me a blank page is not what it may seem.

I’m not a millennial

These past few weeks I have royally screwed up. The worst part of it all? I have made no effort to correct it. It’s like I would rather stay in my sin, than fight to get out. Why? Because it’s a lot easier to be wrong than to fight to be right or righteous. I often times find myself getting offended or angry when people talk about millennials. Unfortunately the year I was born throws me into that category by default, but I am not a millennial. Not in the sense that everyone talks about them in! Or am I? “Millenials expect everything to be handed to them.” Oh well see that’s not me! I know I have to work for  the things that I want. “God I want to know you more.” Okay great there’s an entire book that gives examples after example of God’s character and who he is. How often do I pick it up to read it? “But God I want you show yourself to me.” Sounds a lot like expecting things to be handed to me to me.

“Millenials give up when things get hard.” Okay see here we go again I don’t consider myself a quitter. (Except for with softball I did quit that after I got hit in the face with the ball and my nose bled for a solid half hour). Most things I see through to the end or I do my very best to. “I’ve continually struggled with the same sin for years, so I must not be able to be freed from it.” Sound like giving up? P.S. already free just have to walk in it. “Millenials blame their problems on things and people around them, but it’s never their fault.” Okay now I know I don’t do this one. I accept responsibility for my actions. “God I don’t feel you anymore where did you go?” Of course anytime we feel distant from God it’s not that’s He’s gone anywhere. It’s that we have walked away from him or put so much in front of him that we have inadvertently pushed him away. I’m not a millennial! I may need to rethink that statement, and make choices in my life that make it true. Choices. There’s a crazy thought. It is my choice. Every single point that I’ve brought up in this post is fueled by my own choices. And until I decide to choose Jesus first always, then sadly “I’m not a millennial!” Will be the biggest lie I have ever told.

Restless Mind

The gears turned tirelessly.

No matter how hard she tried to stop them or at the very least slow them down.

The thoughts in her head seemed to find their source from the energergizer bunny himself.

One would think that with the vast array of thoughts swirling around in her head clarity would come of it.

Sadly this did not ring true for her.

In fact, the more thoughts that flooded her mind the more the smoke began to rise.

Not the simple white smoke that forms when the clouds decide to hang out  down here where the people are.

No, this smoke had color. Color that carried meaning. Too bad she had no idea what the meaning was.